Monday, March 31, 2014

myth hides nothing and flaunts nothing: it distorts; myth is neither a lie nor a confession: it is an inflection
roland barthes, mythologies (1957) 
the meaning is always there to present the form; the form is always there to outdistance the meaning
roland barthes, mythologies (1957) 
form does not suppress the meaning, it only impoverishes it, it puts it at a distance, it holds it at one's disposal
roland barthes, mythologies (1957) 
when it becomes form, the meaning leaves its contingency behind; it empties itself, it becomes impoverished, history evaporates, only the latter remains
roland barthes, mythologies (1957) 
for freud, as is well known, the human psyche is a stratification of tokens or representatives. one term is constituted by the manifest meaning of behaviour, another, by its latent or real meaning (it is, for instance, the substratum of the dream); as for the third term, it is here also a correlation of the first two: it is the dream itself in its totality, the parapraxis (a mistake in speech or behaviour) or the neurosis, conceived as compromises, as economies effected thanks to the joining of a form (the first term) and an intentional function (the second term)
roland barthes, mythologies (1957) 
true, as far as perception is concerned, writing and pictures, for instance, do not call upon the same type of consciousness; and even with pictures, one can use many kinds of reading: a diagram lends itself to signification more than a drawing, a copy more than an original, and a caricature more than a portrait. but this is the point: we are no longer dealing here with a theoretical mode of representation: we are dealing with this particular image, which is given for this particular signification.
roland barthes, mythologies (1957)
myth grows spiral wise until the intellectual impulse which has produced it is exhausted. its growth is a continuous process whereas its structure remains discontinuous. if this is the case, we should assume that it closely corresponds, in the realm of the spoken word, to a crystal in the realm of physical matter.
levi-strauss, the structural study of myth (1958) 
the community is necessary if values that owe their existence solely to usage and general acceptance are to be set up; by himself the individual is incapable of fixing a single value
saussure, course in general linguistics (1916)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

language can also be compared with a sheet of paper: thought is the front and the sound the back; one cannot cut the front without cutting the back at the same time
saussure, course in general linguistics (1916)
but it is often easier to discover a truth than to assign to it its proper place
saussure, course in general linguistics (1916)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

language is the "social" side of speech
saussure, course in general linguistics (1916)
Bell sees a religious revival to be the only solution
habermas, modernity vs postmodernity 
the new value placed on the transitory, the elusive, and the ephemeral, the very celebration of dynamism, discloses the longing for an undefiled, an immaculate and stable present
habermas, modernity vs postmodernity 
Walter Benjamin's concept of Jetztzeit: present as a moment of revelation; a time, in which splinters of a messianic presence are enmeshed.
Habermas, Modernity vs Postmodernity